He Took It All
He took it all! Every sin I ever committed, every hurt I caused. He took them all.
Every hurt that was done to me, every sickness that knocks on my door. He felt it all.. The punishment that should have been mine, the fiery pit of Hell, that eternal torture, that should have been my fate, He took my place!
The pain I felt, the hurt inside, that I thought no one understood, He felt that too. Even when I hated Him & spat in His face, He still CHOOSE to take it ALL, to feel it ALL...For me.
He didn't do it in a dark, hidden corner. He took the shame of the hurt and the punishment too, for all the world to see! He Took that spot for me!
When they nailed Him to the cross as demons taunted and tortured Him, He thought of His love for me, I was that joy that was set right before Him, in His heart and His eyes, He endured it ALL FOR ME! That is what LOVE looks like!
He endured it all, died, and lived to tell about it!!