LIVN Articles
Articles and messages that have been posted on LIVNIM.
What about
We ended Thursday's prophetic update with Damascus. Today's headlines read
"Islamic State Comes to Damascus"
"The jihadis have returned to the district of Hajar al-Aswad, from where they launched their assault into the camp on April 1; the strongest element in the camp now is Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian franchise of al-Qaida.... Most important, the Yarmuk fighting marks the definitive arrival of Islamic State into the arena of the Damascus battlefield.This battlefield is itself heating up.. and the Southern Front of the Free Syrian Army. The rebels are seeking to establish a secure line south of Damascus from where they can launch strikes directly into the city."-Click here to read the entire article
Here are some scriptures that tell us about Damascus.Continuing with Ezekiel 38 and letting the word interpret itself with other prophetic scripture...
This week
in prophecy
Ezekiel 38 and 39
Russia trades S-300 aerial missiles, to Iran for oil. Iran boosts weapon shipments to Hamas, Hezbollah
Why does this matter?
In the book of Ezekiel, The Lord tells him of a war in the end of Days "the latter years". The He told Ezekiel who would be involved in this battle, the leading country, their number one ally and, what other countries would join in. The Lord also told him how and why they would fight, and who would win. Jesus told us to watch the fig tree (Israel) and the other trees (the nations). Let's take a quick look at some of Ezekiel 38.
Nearly 8,000 dead
as magnitude-7.8
quake rocks Nepal
April 25,2015
Please join your prayers of faith with ours as we stand in intercession for the people of the areas affected by this earthquake.
More than 3,200 dead as magnitude-7.8 quake rocks Nepal, with many more feared trapped under rubble, officials say.
The 7.8 magnitude quake struck an area between the capital, Kathmandu, and the city of Pokhara, the US Geological Survey said. Tremors were felt across the region, with further loss of life in India, Bangladesh, Tibet and on Mount Everest. The government has declared a state of emergency in the affected areas."
What did Jesus say about these things? What are we to do?
He Took It All
April 3, 2015
He took it all! Every sin I ever committed, every hurt I caused. He took them all.
Every hurt that was done to me, every sickness that knocks on my door. He felt it all.. The punishment that should have been mine, the fiery pit of Hell, that eternal torture, that should have been my fate, He took my place!
The pain I felt, the hurt inside, that I thought no one understood, He felt that too. Even when I hated Him & spat in His face, He still CHOOSE to take it ALL, to feel it ALL...For me.
He didn't do it in a dark, hidden corner. He took the shame of the hurt and the punishment too, for all the world to see! He Took that spot for me!
When they nailed Him to the cross as demons taunted and tortured Him, He thought of His love for me, I was that joy that was set right before Him, in His heart and His eyes, He endured it ALL FOR ME! That is what LOVE looks like!
He endured it all, died, and lived to tell about it!!
Revivals, Israel
and The Blood Moons
Sheila Gardom
Is there a pattern of events that have happened around the Blood Moon Tetrad,
Israel, and the moves of God in America?
The Glory of
Love Himself
April 22,2015
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts. Haggai 2:9
What a glorious time we had Friday morning around the throne of God. Worshiping and praying in unity for the Lord to be known, for the King of Glory to come in, holding open the gates!
So many have asked,” What do we do now?" Now we believe, we continue to lift Jesus up, we glorify the Lord!
As the enemy looks to have the lime light, to be center stage, with lies, political temper tantrums, and murderous actions... What do we do?
We glorify the Lord!! We remember where sin abounds grace does much MORE abound! We certainly don't ignore the evil, the darkness; but we combat it with light, with love with PRAISE!
Do you remember how Jesus broke hell open? It was with praise, worship of the Father. (Psalms 22) We come against the evil with the love of the Lord. He LOVED the world so much He gave His only son, His only Son spilled all of His blood for the covering of our sins. Using the blood, thanking Him for the blood, overcomes the enemy, EVERYTIME!
Our job is to like John the Baptist, Preaching, "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make his path straight."
Love like you have never allowed God to love through you before! Meditate on His love.
Say, "I love the Lord my God, with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, and all my strength, and I love my neighbor as myself." Then watch the love of God grow and grow, fill and fill, until it over flows on to everyone you come into contact with.
Love NEVER fails! This is how we overcome, with the never failing LOVE that is God!!
Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen on you! Isa 60:1-2
The goodness of the Lord will rise upon you, and the light of His glory shall be seen from within you to Love, bless and most of all show them the way to Jesus!
So arise! Holy Spirit you are welcome in this place, in my heart. Have your way as I completely surrender to You! In Jesus name, AMEN!!