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Made in the Image of LOVE

God's Treasured Love

Across the Earth today, headlines scream of one group of people against another, male against female, racial group against racial group, one religious sect killing the other. The rise in these divisions are of course very prophetic and will continue to happen with greater intensity, (see Signs of Your Coming) but seeing groups like ISIS and Boko Haram taking thousands of people, Christian men to be murdered, women and children as small as infiants taken captive to be sold as sex slaves and raped over and over, breaks my heart. I began to ask the Father two questions, Why is this particular type of torture happening and How do we help them? I asked God why satan drives men to rape women and children? There are many ways to bring about terror, why this particular assault? It seems to be happening everywhere, the "rape culture" it is called. Human trafficking has increased at an astounding rate; it is a satanic trend happening around the globe. What is satan hoping to accomplish? Over the course of several days, the Father began to reveal His greatest love, His treasure, and the strategies of the enemy.

But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:8 In the beginning God (Love) created the heavens and the earth. Genesis1:1

Love wanted to share His creation with someone who could enjoy it and appreciate it like He would. Most of all Love wanted fellowship with someone like Him. Fellowship - To spend time with someone who has similar interests, intellect and ideas Love made Adam - In His own image and breathed the spirit of Love into him. That Adam would look, talk, think, and act like God, like Love. Adam became a living, speaking spirit like God. Adam was God's greatest treasure. Adam was never afraid of God. He was never afraid that God would leave him, beat him or hurt him in anyway. He knew the love of God that passes all knowledge. He saw the vast provision God has given him. He lived daily in the relationship of God's love and protection.

Because Adam was so much like God, he also wanted someone to share this creation with. He wanted someone to love, like Love loves him.

21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening.22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man.

23 And the man said, “Finally! One like me, with bones from my bones and a body from my body. She was taken out of a man, so I will call her ‘woman.’”

24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.

Love made Eve from Adam's side so she would also be in the image of God. She looked, talked, thought, and acted like Adam, like God, like Love. Eve was Adam's greatest Treasure, his Beloved,and his Rapture! She was the most beautiful thing Love had ever created! Even better she was his peer. Adam didn't want someone that he could dominate, own, or possess. He had every animal on the planet they were all below him and he was not happy.

18 Then the Lord God said, “I see that it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make the companion he needs, one just right for him.”

As far as I can tell they only time during creation that God said, "It is NOT good" was when He was referring to Adam being alone. The Hebrew text says that Eve was not only taken from the rib of Adam but his entire side. Eve was made from half of Adam, so that they would walk side by side, being two different parts of the same whole. This creation continued when Love made a baby from Adam and Eve. That he would look, talk, think and act like his parents, like God. This baby became Eve's greatest treasure. To teach, love, and protect, like God taught, loved, and protected her and Adam. Each time a child is born, it is Adam & Eve all over again. This child made in the image of his/her parents, in the image of God. Showing the immeasurable love God has for people. Every child in the image of Love! Before God made man there was an angel Lucifer. Lucifer was very close to God, he was the most beautiful angel of all. He was in charge of worship and many believe he was to protect Earth. He was a beautiful being that was given charge over the Earth and all in it. This wasn't enough for Him. The word says he wanted to be "like God", to rule like God; actually to dethrone God and take over. There was a war, Lucifer and all who followed him were struck down to the Earth, all power and beauty taken from him. Then God makes a new creation, Man. In His Image!! God puts His very own Spirit into them! When God made Eve she was the MOST beautiful in all of creation. More beautiful by far then Lucifer ever was. Then He gives them dominion and power over all the Earth, and says I'll teach you to be like Me! He gives them power to create just like God and God said it was good! The fall came when satan convinced them to eat the fruit. Satan thinks God will throw them down and make them ugly and powerless like him. But that's not what happened, God so Loved the world that He came down and died in their place! He took their sin upon Himself so that once again the Spirit of God would be alive in them. Power and beauty restored. Making the church the Eve of the second Adam. God did not die for satan nor take his sins upon Himself. Satan is doomed to eternity in hell, without the possibility of parole. There is no escape for him. As we are each made in the image of our parents who were made in the image of God, in the image of Love. We were supposed to experience the Love of God just like Adam did. We should have all been taught how to Love like God. Satan is out to stop the multiplication of God or at least the image of God. To stop God's Treasure, His Beloved, His Rapture. He wants the place God has given us, the beauty and power He was twice stripped of. God made a man's desire for his wife, to be second unto his desire for God. Woman was made to be desirable, treasured and loved. She was meant to bring compassion, wisdom, and fellowship to Adam. Satan has turned it into, rule, dominate, and posses. Because women are so beautiful, loving and powerful, they are unique. There is nothing that compares to them. Not money, jewels, or countries. Satan has turned her into a possession. Not only to possess her but to take the beauty, power, and the soft tender compassion from the woman. Like it was something to be consumed. This spirit will mutilate, beat and tear her,apart. This is satan's desperate attempt to have beauty once again by taking it from women. When the Lord showed me this I was heartbroken. He said to me, "They can NEVER take her beauty, her compassion, power and love. These things I have given her and they will not be removed! They belong to her. She is the only one who can choose not to love, to refuse to use the gifts I've given her." Satan tries to take it a step further by going after children as early as he can some even in the womb. Causing their desires to twist into the desire for someone of the same sex or towards children. One man dominating the other. One always in subjection to another. Never having the love, compassion and respect they long for. Or woman's desire for another woman. Never truly being protected, cherished or loved as they should be. In both cases they never become one flesh, always empty. Molesting one another over and over, repeating the pain of the original violation that has now become an identification of love. In homosexual relationships there is no possible way for them to create another person in the image of God. A double win for satan, they are living in a place of daily torment disguised as love, with no possible way of creation. I can't end this part without quickly pointing out the type and shadow of Adam and Eve and Christ and the church. We the church, are His body and Christ is the head. Eve was made from the body of Adam, Adam was to be the head, the protector. Satan attacked Eve the bride of Adam, so he attacks the church, the bride of Christ, attempting to deceive us as he deceived Eve. But our husband ever lives to make intercession for us, protecting, providing, and loving us continually! Telling us the truth that we would not be deceived. He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide and empower us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. The greatest moment yet to come; when we the bride of Christ, His treasure, beloved and rapture, are presented to Him on that day, His spotless bride, without spot or wrinkle; overwhelmed with love and joy as Jesus brings His bride to Himself saying "finally bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh".

treasure - beloved - rapture

How do we help them? God led us to team up with Billye Brim Ministries and God's Prayer Force to stop the plans of the enemy and further the plans of God. Since then the group has gone from hundreds to almost eleven thousand prayer warriors yielding ourselves to God to fulfill the end time mission of God. It is working!! We are seeing women and children released and escape, jihadists getting visitations from Jesus and being saved! Glory to God!! Click here to Join the Prayer Force

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